Partnering with the world's largest institutions, we use our distributed ledger technology to help them rise to the challenges the financial industry faces today while setting a strong course for the future.

With our platforms and technology, we are building the bridge between traditional and digital spaces

We change how businesses interact while helping shape how the industry operates across settlement, custody, issuance, tokenisation and much more.


World’s first

Digital Securities Depository

World’s first

DLT connection to ECB

World’s first

Live CBDC Settlement

Our Ambition

We established SETL with a clear ambition – to use our industry knowledge and tech expertise to help financial services companies rethink business models and strategies so they and their customers can thrive.

Trusted By

Since day one, not much has changed. We listen more carefully than ever to understand the challenges and obstacles facing our clients so we can support them with platforms and technology that improve operational efficiency, adapt to new and evolving regulations, and put an end to costly processes.

Some of our team

Anthony Culligan


Nicholas Pennington

Chief Technology Officer

Jason Lau

Jason Lau

Head of Community Management and Development

Paul Martin

Head of Delivery


Sir David Walker

Sir David began his career in 1961 with Her Majesty’s Treasury and has been a non-executive member of the Court of the Bank of England.

Christian Noyer

Christian Noyer was the Governor of the Banque de France between November 2003 and October 2015.

Phillip Bond

Philip Bond has degrees in finance and worked as an arbitrage, macro trader, and designs systematic computer-driven trading platforms.


Want to work at SETL?

If you are excited about driving innovation and being part of a culture built on trust, responsibility and teamwork, send your CV to

Web developer: Niyazly Keshikov OverBySpace